The bike is beautiful and very powerful, and the customer service is, to say the least, excellent, fast and punctual responses, well done.
However, the bike also has some objective flaws that I cannot fail to mention:
the display is small and does not provide the most important information you may need during rides, but what is most annoying is that you can't see anything in daylight, even without the sun!
And it's as if it wasn't there.
The hope is to use the bluetooth interface software, but this too is raw and with only basic information and does not yet have access to changing the settings, it is still under development.
The important value of speed is so small that you can't see it.
But when I try to update from the current version 1.0 to 1.1, it gives me an error!!!
So much so that I was thinking of replacing it with a suitable controller and display.
I would have liked to disable the throttle but I don't have the information for this kind of setting.
The manual is poor and, to give an example, there is no information at all on setting parameters via the only button on the display.
Furthermore, the mechanical brakes, for a heavy bike that can reach 45 km/h, are not adequate, the braking is too long (and dangerous), I even struggle to stop at the end of the descent of my garage ramp.
The autonomy, for a 17.5 Ah battery, does not seem excellent to me, but only sufficient, because I was not able to exceed 20 km in PAS.
Maybe I weigh too much? (95 kg!). I'll go on a diet ;-))
Too bad, because overall the bike is beautiful and powerful and, if these flaws were resolved, it would be fantastic.